Sacred Women Moon Circle

Come...Let's Gather.

Remember Who You Are

In person Moon Ceremonies For

Soul Deep Women

Why We Gather.

We Gather Because We Long To


We GatherTo


...To re-member the old ways

To re-member our ancient roots.

To re-member the truth of our lives, our selves, and this Earth.

To re-member our medicine, our gifts, our path.
To re-member our truest ways and express them into this world.

To re-member why we came.

We gather, in circle, ceremony, and sacred space to be re-minded of our truth when we forget.

To celebrate the truth of one another...

To share in community...

To uplift...

To support...

To heal...ourselves and each other.


wail...and how!

We come to deeply feel.

To release and empty out all we carry.

So we can run wild, like the wolves, or the deer, or the jaguar into the horizon of our lives.

So we may live this one life, this precious life, to our fullest ability.

We gather, to live in our fullest expression and stand tall until all others are free to do the same.

Come...Let's Gather.

What Does A Seed, A Cocoon,

 The Cycles of the Moon,

and a Womb

All Have in Common?

Life generating magic that begins in darkness, creates from within, and ultimately sheds an old skin, just to begin again.

It is a time of dreaming and growing. Then, inspiration. To inspire means to 'breathe into' or animate. And thus, the light of life, consciousness, and spirit is born.

Finally, a brave (and often arduous) journey to shed it's own confines and enter a new environment begins. Just as a baby is born into life, or a butterfly emerges from the caterpillar's cocoon, so to do our inner impulses for evolution and creativity come into being from within.

These are our own inner fertile landscapes.

This is the creative and evolutionary cycle of life,

and it is alive within each of us.

Whether we give birth to an actual life, or birth new ideas, insights, and creations, it is within us all.

It is our circular, cyclical and natural rhythm to life, and it balances our brilliant, yet often over-powering, logical and linear aspects.

This part of is calling out to us, from within.

It is time to birth a new way.

And whatever it is you are birthing...

You are likely the 'first' to do so.

So, come, bring your medicine, your tools, your gifts, your wits,

bring your joy and love, your sorrow and pain.

We have the space.

It is time to be all that you are calling in.

You Are The First, Because What You'll Birth only you can do.


And it's steeped in the Ancestors Who Came Before You.

Working alongside the moon and our own bodies natural wisdom, we are offered a blueprint into the process of soul-living that is full of ease.

This doesn't mean that we never encounter trying times, or intense moments of 'do or die.' But it means we come to understand the intimate rhythm of the cycles of life...death...and life again.

And what we cannot carry,

we give to the fire,

to be reborn.

And what we do not understand, we give to the darkness,

to be reborn.

And what we have,

we give,

because that is what life is.

Come, Gather With Us This Moon Cycle

 New and Full Moon Ceremonies For




The Sacred Feminine.

Come and Join Us Here

Moon Ceremony Details

  • Time Of Ceremony

    Each Ceremony is from 6pm-8:30pm. There is time to integrate afterwards till 9pm, if you so choose. 

    We gather at Sky Pond on the date of the Moon Cycle you've booked. 

    The details, address, and information will be sent to you after you reserve your place in circle. 

    You are welcome to arrive as early as 4:30pm to settle in, enjoy the sacred land and nature of Sky Pond, socialize with other members, or simply 'be.'  

  • What Happens In Ceremony?

    This is a great question! While these ceremonies are never fully 'planned' as they are intuitiely felt into, they do follow a general structure:

    1. Opening Ceremony - Centering Meditation / Visualization and energetic discussion.
    2. Introductions & Brief Share Circle About Previous Cycle or Intentions
    3. Embodiment Practice - this is a movement medicine practice which I facilitate that involves a combination of  breath, sound, intuitive movement, somatic experiencing, and shamanistic techniques. It is designed to bring the body and mind into full presence. 
    4. Integration, Meditation, and Journaling After the Movement Experience
    5. Sharing Insights, Burn Ceremony, & Lunar Cycle Discussion Around an Outdoor Fire
    6. Closing Ceremony - "Howling at the Moon"
  • What Are Moon Ceremonies?

    Working with the Moon doesn't require magical thinking, but it does require our intentionality, both to ourselves and those we share sacred space with. 

    These moon circles are really ritual ceremonies that happen each and every new and full Moon. They are intentionally and intuitively designed to anchor you into your truth, so you can go back out into this world connected to your truest, most authentic self to be and do all you've come to do!

    These Moon Circles are in-person, but most importantly, an intimate and emboided experience of what it means to be in sacred space together.

    We learn not just to work with the lunar cycle, but honor her cyclical wisdom and phases in tandem with our own cycles and how to authentically share ourselves with one another.

    This is how we "do the work" of  "manifestation", "alignment", and creating our "souls work": 

    Fully, whole-heartedly, and all in.

  • What If I Can't Make Both

    The reason I no longer do 'drop in' is to keep the container of the lunar cycle strong and potent. It is okay if you are unable to attend one of the ceremonies that are included with your subscription or purchase. Know that we will include you, energetically, and will  hold space for you in ceremony.  

  • Have More Questions? Reach out!

    If you have more questions, I'm happy to answer them via e-mail at 

    I usually respond within that day (depending on time received, or the following day). 

    See you soon!

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Book on and reserve your spot for this specific moon phase.

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Upcoming Moon Cycle Dates

Find Out More

Working With The Moon

Isn't Magic

Receive The Moonthly News Letter

It's a spiritual practice that cultivates deeper forms of awareness, presence, and connection.

It is our intentionality, our deliberateness, and our awareness that creates the miracle we call 'magic.'

Being in-tune with our environment & patterns reminds us that we, like the moon, are already whole and free.

We just have to unlearn the patterns and practices that no longer serve the woman we yearn to become.

Learn how to tune into each phase of the moon and hold the thread of awareness alive throughout the entire cycle.

Come into deeper forms of presence, power, and creativity in your life through each lunar cycle.

I'd Like To Come!

Our Sacred Space on Sacred Land

"Sky Pond"

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